We’re participating in the Toronto Challenge 2017, and we want you to join us!
Register for the Toronto Challenge
In person or by mail: Return the Toronto Challenge Registration Form plus fee payable to the City of Toronto, to SPRINT Senior Care’s Communications & Development Department: 140 Merton Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M4S 1A1.
Online: Via Toronto Challenge’s website. NOTE: If you register online, you must notify SPRINT Senior Care to receive your free water bottle. Please also see race kit pick-up instructions below. TEL: 416-481-6411 ext. 248 E: info@sprintseniorcare.org.
The deadline to pre-register through SPRINT Senior Care is Friday, May 26, 2017. You may register in-person on race day; however higher registration rates apply.
Thank you for fundraising!
Pledgers can support registrants by donating through the registrant, or online via SPRINT Senior Care’s website. Charitable tax receipts are provided for donations over $10.
In person through registrant: Registrant must track and collect pledgers’ information and funds using the Toronto Challenge Pledge Form. Registrant must provide the pledge form including cash or cheque payments to SPRINT Senior Care’s Communications & Development Department: 140 Merton Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M4S 1A1.
Online: Pledgers can donate online, noting that their donation is in support of Toronto Challenge. Registrant must still provide enclosed pledge form including any additional cash or cheque payments to SPRINT Senior Care’s Communications & Development Department: 140 Merton Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M4S 1A1.
The deadline to submit your pledge form and funds is Monday, June 19, 2017. To get a SPRINT Senior Care Dri-FIT t-shirt, you must submit your pledge form and funds with over $50 raised by Friday, May 26, 2017.
Race kit pick-up
Please select your preference for race kit pick-up (includes SPRINT Senior Care water bottle and Dri-FIT t-shirt, if eligible) on your Registration Form. Online registrants must contact SPRINT Senior Care if they prefer advance race kit pick-up, otherwise they are responsible for collecting their kit on race day as per below.
Before race day, from SPRINT Senior Care: 140 Merton Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto (Date and time TBA)
On race day: Toronto Challenge race kit available from Metro Hall, from 7:30am. SPRINT Senior Care water bottle and Dri-FIT t-shirt available from SPRINT Senior Care booth, from 8:30am.