COVID-19 Vaccine Information

SPRINT Senior Care’s COVID-19 vaccination policy
As of September 2021, SPRINT Senior Care has adopted a new vaccination policy that applies to all staff, volunteers, students, and contractors.
As per the policy, all staff, volunteers, students, and contractors are expected to be fully vaccinated unless they have a medically documented reason for an exemption. Please click here to read the full policy.
Register for the COVID-19 vaccine
If you are currently eligible for a vaccine and live in North Toronto, you can book your vaccine appointment through or the City of Toronto.
Please see the City Of Toronto or Ontario Government website for more information on how and where to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
You can also get a vaccine at your local pharmacy. Find a pharmacy near you.
Do you need help pre-registering or registering for your vaccine?
Right now, Sunnybrook’s pre-registration is online-only. If you are having challenges registering for a vaccine appointment, our social workers are available to help. Please call or email us, and one of our social workers will help you to register for your vaccine appointment: or 416-481-6411.
Do you need a ride to your vaccination appointment?
We are offering rides to seniors who need assistance getting to and from their vaccination appointments.
If you would like to book a ride to a vaccine clinic, please fill out our Vaccination Appointment Transportation Request form or call 416-481-5250.

- Toronto Ride has limited capacity. Rides are only for those who have absolutely no other way of getting to their appointment.
- Due to high demand, we require 48 hours’ notice for booking. If you request a ride with less than 48 hours notice, we will be unable to respond to your inquiry.
- Trips can only be booked up to 30 days in advance.
- Prioritization will be for seniors, adults with disabilities, and people who are immunocompromised.
- We can only take clients to locations within the boundaries of the City of Toronto.
- Trips will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Clients can bring their walker but need to be able to enter and exit the vehicle with minimal assistance.
- Return trips will be scheduled for one hour after the appointment time.
- Phones are only answered Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Click here to see a map of our partners’ catchment areas.
- iRide or call 1-844-474-3301
- Scarborough Ride or call 416-736-9372
Do you need a homebound vaccine?
Individuals who are unable to leave their homes to due physical barriers or other similar issues, please call the Toronto Seniors Helpline at 416-217-2077 to register for an in home vaccination.
How can I learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine?
Please see below for a few reputable resources to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine:
- What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine (North Toronto Ontario Health Team)*
- COVID-19 vaccine fact sheet (Toronto Public Health)**
- Ontario government fact sheet (Ministry of Health)
- SPRINT Senior Care Town Hall Q&A (Dr. Katrin Dolganova)
For more resources, please visit our COVID-19 Information and Resources page.
* This document is available in multiple languages. Please contact if you would like copy in another language.
** This document is available in multiple languages. Please visit the City of Toronto website to access the document in other languages.