North Toronto OHT collaborates on ambitious flu shot campaign

This fall, SPRINT Senior Care participated in an ambitious initiative to administer flu shots to North Toronto residents, with a special focus on seniors.

The project was led by the North Toronto Ontario Health Team (OHT), a collaborative team that includes primary care providers, North Toronto residents, and eight healthcare organizations including SPRINT Senior Care. In total, the North Toronto OHT held four public pop-up clinics, one of which was located at our head office at 140 Merton St.

In addition to public clinics, the North Toronto OHT also held flu shot clinics at 12 Toronto Community Housing (TCH) seniors’ buildings. The aim was to target seniors, who are more vulnerable to the flu and who may find it difficult to to access public clinics. To make this initiative accessible, the team went door-to-door to visit residents – first to register participants, and then a second time to administer the vaccine.

This initiative was a great success, and in total, the team vaccinated 2,500 people. “This is a testament to what can be accomplished when health care organizations work together,” says SPRINT Senior Care CEO Stacy Landau.

Visit the North Toronto OHT website for updates and information: