Accessibility Standards
Accessibility Standards – Client Service
In fulfilling our mission, SPRINT Senior Care, strives at all times to provide its goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our goods and services, and allowing them to benefit from the same services in the same place and in a similar way as other clients and prospective clients. Providing goods and service to people with disabilities: SPRINT Senior Care is committed to excellence in serving all customers*. To that end, we have created these policies, practices and procedures to ensure that we carry out our functions and responsibilities in key service areas.
*When SPRINT Senior Care refers to customers in its Accessibility policies, it includes clients, staff, volunteers, visitors and any other member of the public.
SPRINT Senior Care will ensure that its policies, practices and procedures for the provision of its services are consistent with the principles outlined in the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Regulation 429/07 of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, specifically:
- The services are provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
- The provision of services to persons with disabilities and others will be integrated unless an alternate measure is necessary, whether temporarily or on a permanent basis, to enable a person with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from the services
- Persons with disabilities will be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use and benefit from the services which comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and Regulation 429/07, “Accessibility Standards for Customer Service.”
- All program specific procedural and practice manuals (handbooks) will either contain procedures on how to address possible barriers to people with disabilities or will reference the General Policy Manual.
- All documents relating to Accessibility Standards are available to customers/clients when requested.
- Customers/clients are encouraged to provide feedback regarding SPRINT Senior Care’s accessibility policies and procedures.
- All SPRINT Senior Care staff and volunteers who provide service and staff and volunteers who are involved in policy, practice and procedures development are trained upon hire and as changes occur to SPRINT Senior Care policies, procedures and practices. The training includes: SPRINT Senior Care’s policy and procedures relating to Accessibility Standards for Customer Service; interacting and communicating with person with various disabilities; procedures to follow when a person with a particular disability is having difficulty accessing service; how to interact with persons who require an assistive device, service animal or support person; how to use or obtain the necessary training on equipment or assistive devices that are available to help provide service or support to a person with a disability.
Records are kept in SPRINT Senior Care’s information management data base (CIMS) of all training received by staff and volunteers. SPRINT Senior Care provides notice in our client welcome letters an on our website that the documents required by the Customer Service Standard of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act are available upon request.
SPRINT Senior Care provides notice on our website for all customers including person’s with disabilities on receiving and responding to feedback on our customer service. SPRINT Senior Care will provide such documents requested in a format that takes into account the person’s disability.
Accessibility Standards – Communication
SPRINT Senior Care staff will communicate in a manner that takes into account the person’s disability and makes reasonable efforts to ensure both the content and the intent of communications are understood. SPRINT Senior Care will provide notice of temporary disruptions in service by posting signage at the appropriate location and /or inform impacted customers* with the most appropriate form of communication. This could include a telephone call, letter, an email, a voice mail message, or a message on, sent as soon as reasonably possible after the information is known. To reduce customer inconvenience, all employees must follow the prescribed procedures when communicating a notice of temporary disruption.
*When SPRINT Senior Care refers to customers in its Accessibility policies it includes clients, staff, volunteers, visitors and any other member of the public.
Supervisors and Managers will:
- Ensure that staff/volunteers who communicate with customers are trained on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
- Ensure that staff/volunteers are trained to communicate with customers over the telephone in clear and plain language, to speak clearly and slowly; and in the use of other communication services.
- Ensure that staff/volunteers are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing services.
- Ensure that printed materials be made available in large print if required.
- Seek language translation services if required to communicate with customers.
Staff will:
- Offer to communicate with customers by email, TTY, or relay services, if telephone communication is not suitable to their communication needs, or is not available
- Procedure for Notice of Temporary Disruption
- Post notice at all sites where the disruption will occur as soon as this information is known.
- Post in a highly visible location.
- Include the following information in the notice: Date notification was issued; information on what is disrupted; provide the notice in an alternative language, if required; when the disruption will occur; how long the disruption is expected; what, if any, alternative arrangements have been made if applicable; apology for inconvenience; SPRINT Senior Care contact information.
Accessibility Standards – Assistive Devices
SPRINT Senior Care supports client’ use of any assistive device required to facilitate customers’* access to SPRINT Senior Care services and facilities.
*When SPRINT Senior Care refers to customers in its Accessibility policies it includes clients, staff, volunteers, visitors and any other member of the public.
Customers are permitted to keep their assistive devices with them while accessing SPRINT Senior Care’s services unless the health and safety of the customer or others is at risk or where there is a risk of damage to any person or property. Staff are trained on how to interact with persons, who require an assistive device. Staff are trained on how to use or obtain the necessary training on equipment or assistive devices that are available to help provide service or support to a person with a disability.
Accessibility Standards – Support Persons
SPRINT Senior Care recognizes that some individuals with disabilities rely on support persons for assistance while accessing services.
A person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to enter SPRINT Senior Care’s premises together with the support person and will not be prevented from having access to the support person while on the premises.
- Fees will not be charged for support persons’ attendance at SPRINT Senior Care programs, however, other program costs may apply such as charges for meals.
- Staff will seek consent of the client before discussing confidential personal health information in the presence of the support person.
- Staff are trained on how to interact appropriately with customers* who are accompanied by support persons.
*When SPRINT Senior Care refers to customers in its Accessibility policies it includes clients, staff, volunteers, visitors and any other member of the public.
Accessibility Standards – Service Animals
SPRINT Senior Care welcomes people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.
Persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a guide dog or other service animal will be permitted to enter SPRINT Senior Care’s premises and to keep the animal with them, except in areas where food is being prepared or stored.
Management will:
- Ensure that all staff, volunteers and others dealing with the public are properly trained in interacting with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal. Staff/ Volunteers will:
- Not touch a service animal without permission.
- Not offer food or treats to service animals.
- Staff and volunteers are trained on how to interact appropriately with person’s who are accompanied by a service animal.
Clients will:
- Ensure the service animal is kept in control at all time and is well behaved.
- Ensure the service animal is not a threat to health and safety.
- Ensure that the service animal has up-to-date immunizations.